Advancing Health Equity through Data-Driven Strategies to… | MOBE

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Hear from MOBE’s Director of Program Outcomes & Health Equity, Anjoli Punjabi, Pharm D, MPH, as she discusses the critical importance of health equity for organizations and ways to reduce health disparities in health care. 

Punjabi conducted a live seminar on May 13 at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy. The seminar titled, “Advancing Health Equity through Data Driven Strategies” helps guide leaders in ways to improve health equity by making it a priority for their organizations. 

“It’s important to note that 80% of health is determined by factors outside of the health care system,” states Punjabi. “In fact, only 20% of health outcomes are determined by the health care system. It’s about what is going on in the community that matters. That’s why it is so important for organizations to pay close attention to health equity and make it everyone’s job within organizations to elevate this crucial topic.” 

Social Determinants of Health graphic2

In this seminar, Punjabi level sets with an understanding of key health equity terminology. She also touches on a Health Equity Framework and a methodology to disaggregate health outcomes for identification of health disparities, and more.  

Discover a deeper understanding of health equity in this informative seminar. 

Watch the seminar

Anjoli Uof M Webinar

Keri D. Hager, PharmD, BCACP
Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Center for Interprofessional Health Affiliate Faculty

Anjoli Punjabi, PharmD, MPH
Director of Program Outcomes & Health Equity, MOBE

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