Frequently asked questions

What is MOBE?

MOBE is a company on a mission to guide people to better health and more happiness. We provide customized, one-to-one guidance around everything that affects your health—your nutrition, sleep, movement, emotions, medications, and more.

How does MOBE work?

When you work with MOBE, you’ll be paired with your own MOBE Guide, an experienced health professional. They will work to help you improve your sleep, nutrition, stress level, exercise, and more. With personalized health coaching, you and your Guide will talk about your goals, and work together on a plan to help you meet them. You may also work with a licensed MOBE Pharmacist. They can review the medicines you’re taking, including prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, and supplements.

You can connect on the phone or through the MOBE Health Guide app. Your Guide and Pharmacist will get to know you on a personal level and will look at all parts of your health. Together, you’ll make a plan to help you become the healthiest version of you. Learn what to expect from your first call with a MOBE Guide.

What are the credentials of MOBE Guides and Pharmacists?

All Guides have professional backgrounds in health-related fields like nutrition, exercise science, health coaching, and nursing. Every MOBE Pharmacist is a licensed Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD). They can help you make sure any medications you take are working as they should. On top of their deep experience, Guides and Pharmacists are trained in MOBE’s unique, whole-person approach to health. They are skilled listeners, allies, and passionate champions for your well-being.

How am I eligible for MOBE?

MOBE has a relationship with your health plan or employer. We work to find people who could benefit from health coaching to find ways to create healthy habits.

To find out if you are eligible for MOBE, check here. If you are eligible, you’ll receive information on how to get started.

Does MOBE share my information?

No, we keep your conversations and information private. Your Guide doesn’t have access to your health information, so you’ll decide what you’d like them to know about your health history. Plus, nothing you share with your Guide will be sent to your insurance plan or medical team. Records are confidential, and we follow HIPAA guidelines for protecting personal health information.

If you talk with a Pharmacist, they can send recommendations to your doctor, unless you prefer they don’t. The security of your personal information is extremely important to us. Read the full MOBE privacy policy.

How do I work with my Guide or Pharmacist?

You can work with your Guide or Pharmacist over the phone, from our website, or through the MOBE Health Guide app—when it works best for you, your schedule, and your needs.

How does MOBE work with the care I’m already getting through my doctor?

MOBE Guides and Pharmacists are here to provide additional support and do not replace your relationship with your doctor. You may even get more out of your visit to your doctor’s office with the insights you gain from your MOBE experience.

How can I learn more?

Our team is happy to answer questions. Call 844-841-9725 weekdays between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. CT or send an email to info@MOBEforlife.com.

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