Investing in a Whole-Person Approach to Mental Health Pays Off… | MOBE

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Investing in a Whole-Person Approach to Mental Health Pays Off

We know you are focused on your employees’ mental health needs, and you want to offer the best benefits possible. How do you know if your programs are making a difference in your employees’ lives? Could your employees be using your programs more effectively and achieve better outcomes?

Make a compelling case for broadening your well-being offerings to encompass physical and mental health. We’ve researched the numbers and summed up our findings in this informative infographic.

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A Whole-Person Approach to Supporting Optimal Mental Well-Being

While mental health is becoming a bigger part of the benefits conversation for employers, many still consider mental health in isolation from physical health. Fortunately, that view has started to change.

How to Add Innovation to Whole-Person Care

MOBE’s VP of Medication Strategies, Leslie Helou, was featured on a panel of health care leaders in Bright Spots in Healthcare’s webinar, “How to Add Innovation to Whole-Person Care.” They each give insight into their organization’s…

Make Mental Well-Being Top of Mind

Today, mental well-being is part of every health-related conversation. When we’re not okay emotionally, it’s hard to reach even the most basic health goals. Find out what you can do to help improve the mental well-being of your people.