The Rules of Engagement: Fundamental Strategies to Boost… | MOBE

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The Rules of Engagement: Fundamental Strategies to Boost Outcomes

You invest a lot of time and money in selecting well-being solutions for your employees. Too often, outcomes are compromised due to lackluster engagement.

How do you crack the code when it comes to engagement, and get the outcomes you need? Is it just about communicating more? Perhaps it is about communicating more effectively.

The MOBE Workplace Wellness Action Index shows 95% of human resource decision makers say their employees are informed about health and wellness offerings.

However, employees disagree. Employees said better communication about benefits is the number one way employers can improve benefits offerings.

Effective communication is a key factor—but there is more to the story. Dive deeper into engagement with these five outcomes-driven strategies.

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Webinar: Breakthrough Engagement in Today’s Workplace

How do you get more employees engaged with your well-being program? Anne Denato, EVP of Marketing at MOBE, explores new strategies to increase engagement and optimize your well-being program investment.

Resources for improving mental well-being.

How does your organization rate when it comes to addressing employee mental health? Our webinar unveils five key strategies for improving employee mental health.

Download: 2021 Workplace Wellness Action Index

Employer perceptions aren’t always aligned with employee health needs. In this report, you’ll read about today’s biggest health-related challenges employees are facing, and how employers are planning to support them in the year ahead.