We’re Creating a Participant Experience that’s “Undeniably… | MOBE

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We’re Creating a Participant Experience that’s “Undeniably MOBE”

Meg Rush is MOBE’s Chief Operating and Experience Officer. Before MOBE, she held several leadership positions at Anthem, WebMD, and UnitedHealth Group.

As MOBE’s Chief Operating and Experience Officer, Meg Rush oversees all of MOBE’s participant-facing interactions. That includes Guides, Pharmacists, engagement specialists, participant services, the MOBE Health Guide app, and the participant content library.

“At MOBE, we’ve created a multifaceted participant experience,” Rush says. “Our core product is an integrated, deep relationship with a participant enabled by analytics and digital technology. We spend a lot of time talking to our Guides, Pharmacists, and participants to get input. We want every touchpoint in the participant experience to feel undeniably MOBE.”

The core product: Human interactions that change lives.

According to Rush, MOBE’s core service is “all about helping people live healthier lives.”

“The reality is that having a human relationship—someone who’s in your corner—is an important part of changing your behavior, lifestyle, and mindset. We firmly believe that human component will always be a critical part of our solution,” she says.

That’s where MOBE Guides come in. They’re more than typical health coaches, they’re experts in helping participants identify and prioritize health and wellness goals. Rush explains, “For most people, one of the biggest challenges is that there's so much information out there. People don't know what's credible or what's good for their specific situations. A MOBE Guide wades through all of that information, figures out what each participant needs, and provides individuals with the tools and resources necessary to achieve their specific goals. That's why we call them Guides.”

Guides and participants primarily connect through phone conversations. Rush says, “Although phone calls might seem old-school, they work. We want the MOBE experience to be fundamentally human and easy to understand. It needs to be honest, welcoming, educational, credible, evidence-based, personalized, safe, collaborative, motivational, supportive, and uplifting.”

Benefits beyond the Guide experience.

While interactions with Guides are very important, they’re only one component of the solution MOBE provides. For example, MOBE’s licensed Pharmacists help participants understand their medications and how to use them. The Pharmacists spend significant one-to-one time with each participant they serve—ensuring participants’ medications stay optimized as they make progress with their Guide.

Rush also describes the MOBE Health Guide app as a highlight. “We have a consumer-grade app, where participant-facing staff can interact with participants. It's fully connected with our coaching platform, so our Guides and Pharmacists can see what's happening with each participant. And communication goes two ways—the participant can submit information or chat with their Guide or Pharmacist. In addition, the app provides digital tools and trackers, an extensive library of evidence-based content, instructional videos, recipes/nutrition information, and a community platform that allows participants to come together.”

Another MOBE feature is a referral service. “We work with health plans and large employers that usually have robust health care service offerings already,” Rush says. “When our Guides and Pharmacists identify individuals who might need additional support, they’ll refer those people back to programs and services available to them through their health plan or their employer. We don't want to be redundant with things that they already have.”

Product offerings continue to evolve.

Rush says MOBE is always evolving strategically. She explains, “As we work with our clients, we identify new opportunities to enhance our service offerings. Often new ideas require changes or adjustments to our current capabilities and assets. But instead of jumping directly into solution mode, we take a step back and assess whether the new idea integrates with the rest of our services.”

“We can't be everything to everyone,” she says. “If we’re going to add to or enhance our assets, we want it to be a cohesive experience. We pick and choose the ideas that build on our true capabilities or expertise. That way we are able to deliver high-quality experiences and add value to a health plan or large employer.”

How and when MOBE launches or adjusts its services is also done purposefully. According to Rush, “Similar to consumer-facing digital products, we have regular releases. That way the Guides, Pharmacists, and participants are able to manage the change process more easily.”

Delighting clients and participants is the goal.

So where is MOBE headed? Rush says, “As consumers, we're being trained to expect great experiences. Think about Amazon’s same-day delivery or how Delta Air Lines delights customers in small but meaningful ways. These kinds of companies are innovators with a common trait—they make things simple and easy to use.”

She continues, “We expect that level of service in every area of our lives except health care. My vision is that the kind of experiences that we have in the consumer realm will start happening more often in health care. There are lots of reasons why that's super difficult to do. But I think it's possible. We’re definitely trying to get there at MOBE.” 

Find out more about MOBE, including how MOBE creates integrated experiences for better outcomes.