Investing in a Whole-Person Approach to Mental Health Pays Off… | MOBE

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Investing in a Whole-Person Approach to Mental Health Pays Off

The costs for treating mental health conditions continue to escalate. According to the CDC, many people with mental health disorders also need care for other physical health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes. In fact, the costs for treating people with both mental health disorders and other physical conditions are two to three times higher than for those without co-occurring illnesses.1

However, these costs can be greatly reduced by using a whole-health approach. Experts agree: combining mental health support with physical health support can address chronic health issues more effectively—and reach those who need it the most.

We’ve outlined the case for a whole-person approach and its impact on cost savings. Take a look at this informative infographic.

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Download: Addressing Health Equity Through the Application of SDoH Data

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We’re All in on Outcomes. Here’s Proof.

Does personalized health guidance deliver measurable impact? Dig into the data and explore MOBE outcomes in physical health, mental well-being, cost, health equity, and more.