What Do People Say About the MOBE Journey? | MOBE

What Do People Say About the MOBE Journey?

We asked past MOBE participants about their experience. Their responses revealed that although each took a different path, they arrived at the same conclusion: MOBE works.

MOBE works because there's someone holding you accountable.

MOBE really does change your life, and you don’t even realize it’s happening.

I never felt like I could get a handle on my pain, but working with my MOBE Guide changed everything.

Reflecting on changes the MOBE program has made in my life in the first year is pretty amazing.

There’s no way I’d be living my life the way I am, not without your help and education.

MOBE teaches you to empower yourself and make a real difference in your life.

Your turn.

Tell us about your MOBE journey and the experience with your MOBE Guide. Join the conversation on our Facebook page or send us an email.

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