Why We All Need a Medication Checkup | MOBE

Why We All Need a Medication Checkup

Have you ever wondered:

  • Whether a medication is doing what it is supposed to do?
  • If it was safe to combine over-the-counter medications or herbal supplements with each other, or with your prescriptions?
  • If something you have been taking for years could suddenly be causing a new side effect?

Pharmacists are health professionals whose training is focused on one thing: how people can make the most of their medications. MOBE Pharmacists are available to answer all these questions and more while supporting your medication use.

Your health and your medications are unique to you.

There is only one you—your body, your health, and your reaction to medications. Over time, your personal variables can change. You might have new health issues, changes to your metabolism, different exercise routines, or changes to your diet. These changes can impact how your medications might work for you, and are why regular, personalized support from a pharmacist can be so important.

Why our MOBE Pharmacists recommend a medication check-up at least once a year.

Up to 70% of medication problems stem from these issues(1):

  • Too low or too high a dose has been prescribed.
  • A different or additional medication is needed.
  • The wrong medication has been prescribed.
  • An unnecessary medication is being taken.

How MOBE Pharmacists can help you.

Did you know you have a clinical pharmacist standing by for you? MOBE Pharmacists offer health guidance and support, through personal consultations with you. If you're eligible for MOBE services, you can consult with someone from our team from the convenience of your home.

An unhurried, one-on-one consultation is your chance to find out:(2)

  1. Is my medicine still doing what it is supposed to do?
  2. Am I taking anything (prescription, supplements, herbal products, over-the-counter meds) that could have a negative effect on my health—either on its own or taken together?
  3. Am I taking my medications the right way and at the right time for them to work their best with minimal side effects?
  4. Are any of my medications treating side effects of other medications I am taking (and can it be avoided)?
  5. Should my medication dosage or type change because of recent changes to my body or my health habits?
  6. Am I taking medicines that I do not need anymore?

How to prepare for your appointment with a MOBE Pharmacist.

  • Make a list, or have the containers of every medicine you use, including over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, herbal preparations, and other supplements. Be ready to describe exactly how you are using the medicine.(2)
  • Note changes to your medicines, including anything you have stopped taking, and why. Also, speak up about any plans you have for new medicines or supplements.(2)
  • Outline allergic reactions or problems with medicines, supplements, food, medical devices, or other medical treatments you have experienced. (2)
  • List information on medical conditions you have or have had, including any recent lab results, normal or abnormal. Report on whether you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to breastfeed.(2)
  • Report on what impacts your use of medicine. Do you have trouble with swallowing, reading small labels, understanding English, remembering to take your medicine? Is it hard to tell the difference between one medicine and another? Maybe you have trouble paying for medicines or transportation to the pharmacy. Your MOBE Pharmacist may be able to help.(2)

Make sure your medications are working for you.

A licensed MOBE Pharmacist can help you minimize risks and make the most of your medications—including prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, herbals, and supplements. Get started today.


1. https://www.accp.com/docs/positions/misc/CMM%20Brief.pdf. American College of Clinical Pharmacy.
2. Stop-Learn-Go: Tips for talking with your pharmacist to learn how to use medicines safely. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/resources-you-drugs/stop-learn-go-tips-talking-your-pharmacist-learn-how-use-medicines-safely