Grab & Go with Healthy Snacks | MOBE

Grab & Go with Healthy Snacks

Hunger can strike whether you’re in the carpool lane, running errands, or sitting on the sidelines. Finding good-for-you snacks when you’re out and about can be a challenge. But you can keep your eating goals on track preferably with unprocessed or minimally processed foods that are easy to take with you.

Stay on track with your eating goals even when you’re on the go. Plan ahead and prep meals and snacks or purchase these nutritious options at convenience stations:

  • Get protein power.
    Choose these chocolate almond protein bites, yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, or low-sodium jerky.
  • Find the fiber.
    Opt for apples, oranges, trail mix, and dried fruits. Try fiber-rich celery with this delicious hummus.
  • Add whole grains.
    Whole wheat crackers and cup of instant oatmeal are great go-to options.
  • Drink more water.
    Stay hydrated by sipping water frequently throughout the day. Love coffee? Add eight more ounces of water for every cup you drink.

Eating better wherever you are starts with nutritious choices at the grocery store.

Partner with a MOBE Guide to learn more healthy ways to snack away from home. Get started today.