11 Surprising Ways to Tackle Seasonal Allergies | MOBE

11 Surprising Ways to Tackle Seasonal Allergies

If you have allergies, just the idea of being outside might cause sneezing, itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, or an annoying cough. Maybe the meds that are supposed to prevent all those symptoms leave you drowsy or irritable—or don’t help at all. Either way, it can be enough to keep you inside with the windows closed.

Don’t give up on the joys of outdoor life because of allergies. Instead, find some relief with these MOBE Pharmacist-approved strategies.

Allergy-fighting tips

  1. Get ahead of your allergies.
    Depending on what you’re allergic to, different seasons might be worse for you than others. Start any possible medications a month before your symptoms usually pop up. Preventing symptoms can be more effective than treating them.
  2. Watch the weather.
    Dry, windy days can be the toughest for allergies. On the flip side, rain helps knock down pollen from the air, providing brief relief.
  3. Track pollen forecasts.
    Weather apps often track pollen counts. When you know they’ll be high, you can plan your medication strategy ahead or bring the adventure inside.
  4. Shed some layers when you come inside.
    Shoes pick up pollen settled on the ground. Leave your sneakers or hiking shoes outside your living area and toss your outdoor clothes in the laundry.
  5. Wash up.
    Wash or rinse your hair and skin after playing or working outside. Removing all that microscopic pollen can make a huge difference. Don’t forget about your pets, wipe them down to catch anything caught in their fur.
  6. Suit up for yard work.
    Weed pulling, mowing, and other garden chores can stir up allergens—try wearing a mask, sunglasses, and gloves.
  7. Forget the early bird act.
    And, actually, get inside before dusk, too. Pollen counts are highest from 5 to 10 a.m. and again after sunset. Try to plan outdoor activities around these times.
  8. Close doors and windows.
    Give your sinuses a break while you sleep or when pollen counts are high.
  9. Rinse out your nose.
    Lots of people swear by Neti pots during cold and flu season, but did you know they can also help flush inhaled pollen out of your nose? Just make sure to keep the Neti pot clean.
  10. Wash your bedsheets in hot water at least once a week.
    Removing allergens that may have landed on your sheets can make hitting the pillow more comfortable.
  11. Make friends with a MOBE Pharmacist.
    Sometimes no matter what we do to avoid allergies, medication may be necessary to deal with the symptoms. Many of these meds can make you drowsy, dry you out, or affect your mood. Some contain decongestants that can affect high blood pressure or other heart conditions. A Pharmacist can help you sort through any questions or concerns.

Whether you’re using one of the many allergy meds that are available over the counter or something prescribed by your doctor, a MOBE Pharmacist is ready to support you. They can help you evaluate your allergy med strategy or help you uncover questions you might want to ask your doctor. It’s one more tool in your toolkit to help you stay outdoors no matter what the pollen count might bring.

A licensed MOBE Pharmacist can help you minimize risks and make the most of your medications—including prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, herbals, and supplements. Get started today.