May is Better Sleep Month | MOBE

May is Better Sleep Month

“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” – Thomas Dekker

It’s no secret that good sleep is critical to health and well-being. In May 1985, the Better Sleep Council launched “Better Sleep Month” to get people thinking about the quality of their sleep and taking action to improve it. Whether it’s on the advice of the Better Sleep Council, a physician, your MOBE Guide or even your mom: it’s worth taking the time to thoughtfully consider and recognize any opportunities you have to simply get better sleep.

Questions to ask yourself.

We bet you already know how well you’re sleeping these days. If you’re like most people, you could tell us whether you fall asleep in minutes or struggle to doze off, as well as whether you sleep soundly through the night or wake up repeatedly. We challenge you to start from there and dig a little deeper:

Do you have any habits that keep you from falling asleep within 15–20 minutes (the “normal” amount of time)? Maybe it happens when:

  • You eat a big dinner.
  • You exercise too close to bedtime.
  • You have an exciting phone call or conversation early in the evening.
  • You spend time online or texting when you go to bed.

If your sleep is frequently disturbed during the night, do you know why? Perhaps:

  • An intrusive light source or noises are waking you up.
  • You’re waking up to use the restroom because you had a lot to drink (alcoholic or non) earlier in the evening.
  • Your mattress, comforter or other sleeping gear just isn’t comfortable.
  • Your mind is racing with things you need to do the next day.

If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, do you know how to avoid or solve those things? If you know what you need to do to achieve better sleep, are you doing it? A survey by the Better Sleep organization showed that eight out of ten Americans would like an extra hour of sleep, but we repeatedly turn down the opportunity to get it!*

Sleep as an important part of self-management.

The MOBE approach is designed to look at all areas of your life that impact health and wellness – and that includes sleep. It’s why we not only embrace the notion of Better Sleep Month, but also work with individuals to examine their sleep habits on a regular basis, all year long. When you sleep better, you function better and you feel better. And that’s why we do what we do.

If you’d like to learn more ways to improve your sleep—and your overall well-being—a MOBE Guide can help. Get started today.

* In the battle to get more sleep, Americans are their own worst enemy.