New Hobbies Improve Your Health | MOBE

New Hobbies Improve Your Health

Did you know that having a hobby can improve your well-being? Spending free time doing something you love can help reduce stress and increase happiness. Life can be busy, but setting aside time for personal interests is worth the effort. Here are several options to inspire you to try something new or rediscover something you already love. 

Be creative.

You don’t have to be Picasso or Maya Angelou to get the positive effects of a hobby. You can be an artistic beginner and still bring your unique ideas to life. Paint, sculpt, write in a journal, or photograph family members. There’s no limit to new things you can create.  

Get moving.

Decompress by being active. Take leisurely walks alone or with someone, try water aerobics with friends, or join a strength-building workout class. Talk with your doctor before you take on a new physical activity. And then, move any way you choose and get a mood boost. 

Keep learning.

It’s never too late to pick up a new skill. Try knitting, starting a vegetable garden, or collecting antiques. Share your new knowledge—and a cute little knit cap or extra produce—with family and friends. Or keep everything you create to enjoy yourself.

Fall in love again.

Revisit an old passion. Think about the hobbies and activities you used to love. Read new books by your favorite author or try a recipe that puts a unique twist on your favorite meal. Did you love tennis? Pick up your racket again or try pickleball with a friend.

Find your joy.

Hobbies are more than ways to fill your time. They can also help you feel happier and healthier. Partner with a MOBE Guide for ideas about activities that fit your lifestyle. Get started today.