Raine’s Story: “Pain doesn’t define who I am.” | MOBE

Raine’s Story: “Pain doesn’t define who I am.”

Raine tried a lot of things to deal with her chronic back pain. She even tried working with a health coach, but it always felt so scripted. Every time she called she spoke with a different person, and every time she had to recount her health situation.

A surgical implant finally resolved her back issues, but she was still taking medication for significant pain in her feet, a condition called neuropathy. A year after the surgery, she got a mailing from MOBE.

When Raine made that first call to Elle, her MOBE Guide, she heard something she’d never heard before: “It’s gonna be just you and me,” Elle told her. “I’m going to call you on a regular basis, I’m going to get to know you and we’re going to build from there.”

And that’s exactly how it went. The more they talked, the more Raine learned she could depend on Elle for honest, open conversations built on growing trust and understanding. It wasn’t about prescriptive advice, scolding, or judgments. They talked about things like meditation and relaxation, and how the body used sleep for self-healing and regulation. In one instance, Elle gave Raine some simple suggestions on how to get a good night’s sleep.

What Elle and I have is a relationship. She’s not just another health coach reading off a script or talking at me. She’s like a friend and it’s been wonderful.

“I had the best sleep I’ve had in years,” Raine recalls. “I know that my body has healing properties and if I just pay attention to it, then that’s where I’m going to get results.”

Raine reports that she still has pain, but MOBE helped her find a new state of being.

Through our conversations, Elle helped me realize that I know my body better than anyone else. I know it’s okay to exercise when I feel like I can do it and stop before it hurts too much. I’m not on any medications now, what I do is meditate. I’ve learned so much. Most of all, the pain doesn’t define who I am.

Looking back, you might wonder what Raine really needed. Did she need a different kind of health coach, or a new way of looking at her health? Maybe she needed more education about how the body and mind work together to affect health, or a reason to trust her own body and its ability to self-heal. Perhaps she just needed someone she could talk to.

With the help of MOBE and Elle, she found all of that and more.

Are you ready to create your success story? Begin a new chapter by working one-to-one with a MOBE Guide. Get started today.