The CARES Model: How to Become an Equal Partner in Your… | MOBE

The CARES Model: How to Become an Equal Partner in Your Medical Care

Content provided by our partners at The Big Know.

Are you someone who most often agrees with your health care provider’s opinions for your overall medical care? If so, you’re not alone. Many people look to these professionals to diagnose such things as health issues, decide which medications are needed, and determine how your health may change. However, maybe there are times when you have questions or even feel a bit lost but are afraid of speaking up. So, while it’s true that they are an expert in clinical medicine, the real expert of yourself is you. That’s where a concept like the CARES model can help you learn how to work together with your health care provider to meet your health goals. It can make you feel more comfortable sharing your own opinions and making your voice heard.

The CARES model: Getting actively involved in 5 easy steps.

The CARES model is a valuable tool that offers a 5-step process to help you become actively involved in your care. It empowers you to make choices that fit your medical needs and what’s important to you.

CARES in practice.

Check out the video to see examples of how you can interact with your health care provider.

Doing your part in the partnership—one step at a time.

Being a partner in your care is ongoing. It continues as you take responsibility for such things as appointments, tests, lifestyle choices, or even staying informed about medications and preventive care. Think about your role in deciding what’s best for you. As you take action, always remember you have options if something isn’t working. It’s okay to be bold and ask questions. A MOBE Guide or Pharmacist can also help you on your way to becoming an equal partner in your medical decisions. Get started today.